
Do you know what is in your bath and body products?

I'm a crafter by nature. I love love love arts and crafts. I started out selling vintage/rockabilly style dresses on etsy. Then moved on to crochet items. Then it was polymer clay figurines. Now it's handmade soap and body products. This latest venture happened by accident. I got tired of spending money on manicures and pedicures so I started buying nail polish and found this wonderful cuticle oil pen. I knew I could make this myself with the types of oils I prefer. So I started buying essential oils. Christmas was coming up and I like to give handmade gifts. With all this extra essential oils, I researched what crafted items could I make with these. Soap was one of them. Now that I've made over 1,000 batches of soap, and sold all of them, I feel this is my calling.
My daughter and I both have eczema, and realize now, that what we wash our bodies with, really matters. Our skin is our largest organ and it absorbs what we put on it. What I focus on is the science behind making the best, most natural, nourishing and gentle soap that I can possibly make. There are certain percentages and combinations of hard oils, soft oils, nourishing soft and hard oils, cleansing hard and soft oils, that there really is a specific science behind making soap. I've perfected my recipe to give my customers the best soap I can possibly make. I hope you enjoy.

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